Albion online players worried about gold and silver trading market
I know that the game is B2P and have micro-transactions to purchase silver/premium account. But is that really enough to keep the game alive for months/years ? I found the currencies (gold and silver) really easy to grind and i never felt encouraged to purchase Gold. Which is cool as a player, but i'm not sure that's going to bring you enough money to keep the game alive (maybe i'm wrong).
So, do you plan to have other ways to get incomes? An expansion pack system (cf. WoW, Guild Wars 2) ? An item shop with skins/cosmetics ?
The more I think about it, the more I think there are no good solution: expansion will divide the community, skins will be confusing in PVP, etc.
I honestly think that the best way to have regular incomes is a subscription system, but I don't think you can put it in place now that people have already purchased the game.

(You can buy Albion online Gold in
It's a reactive market. The more gold people buy the more silver it will cost if no one decides to buy silver with their gold. Gold can rise to 200-2000 silver each if the players allow it. But it can also cost 5-100 silver per gold if everyone wants to sell their gold. There is no set amount for gold or silver, its decided by the players.
Yes when you pay in silver you are just buying gold from the market to buy it in gold. Gold enters the system because someone paid real money for it. Gold leaves the system by buying premium and buying cosmetic items.
This game is compeditive, people are going to be spending thousands of dollars on GvG fights to make sure they win. Also the economy isn't going to be like it is now, at release it might be a little worse for crafters as everything will be drowned into the shit from the influx of items but the game will even out at a tier of gear that most people can expect to be in. This even point is going to reflect the silver/gold trade and the prices should even out to the amount of work required to get the silver. The gold market ties Albion's economy into the real world it should keep it balanced to a point, if anything you will feel like you can never farm enough silver on launch depending on your cost of living.

(You Can Buy Albion Online Silver in
Albion online business model rests on the premium status. While premium status can also be bought with silver, this is only due to the player driven gold/silver market. Every time somebody buys premium with silver, gold is taken out of the game, as the system will take the purchaser's silver, convert it to gold in the player driven market and then remove that gold from the game. When it comes to "whales", their effect will simply be to reduce the gold price in the player driven market, allowing other players to get their premium status more easily.
Also, the game is buy to play. Having said that, the benefits we give with each founder's pack or quite valuable, and you pretty much get close to the price of the pack back in free gold and premium time.
The above business model we feel is all we will ever need to continuously fund the game. While we have some vanity items for gold as well, it's not a major focus for us, as we'd rather spend the time into improving the core gameplay.
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