Sandbox Interactive Are An Open Book Ahead Of Albion Online's Release

We have been following Albion Online for a long time now and we have taken a lot of pride in making sure we are the number one place for people to buy Albion Online Silver. But the game literally has launched as we are writing this (17th of July 2017) and something really cool happened and that was the developer, Sandbox Interactive took to their official Reddit page to help fans out.
Sandbox Interactive Are An Open Book Ahead Of Albion Online
 Now, we feel that Albion Online with its awesome PVP that is very action based, the player built economy and the whole crafting of items. Make it one of the most interesting MMORPG games that we have seen in quite some time. We really hope that people jump on board and just see what a fun experience this can be.

Still, with that being said, some are worried about the learning curve that Albion Online has. But one thing that the people at Sandbox Interactive have done is have an open Q & A with people who are interested in the game on Reddit. It is just so cool to see a developer open their hands and just say "ask us anything" and that is literally what they did. They were fielding any kind of question that a new player may have and we are sure that some people who were on the fence about the game will now be on board as Sandbox Interactive did a wonderful job explaining how the game works.

We feel that the "chat" went really well and many people are now going to have a much clearer idea about things like the combat, animal taming and other such things. They did not shy away from any kind of question. Even ones that some of us who have been playing the game for a while may have thought were a little, let's just say basic. The people at Sandbox Interactive made sure to answer as many questions as they could and we think that is just so cool.

Oh, one thing we forgot to mention that this was not just a random person from the Sandbox Interactive social media team leading this chat. It was led by a gentleman called Stefan who is actually the CEO of the whole company! Not many CEO's would be willing to get their hands dirty and get in touch with the community in this way so we applaud him and the other designers of Albion Online who were part of this.

If we had to pick just one question that caught our eye it was the one asking about having ships and some kind of open seas combat in the game. While they said it would be hard, the interesting part was that they said they felt this kind of thing would be a natural fit for the world of Albion Online!

Even if you are like us and have already put a ton of hours into Albion Online. We suggest you head over to the Albion Online Reddit page and just see some of the questions that players had and the answers that were given. Hopefully, this is a good indication of the community that Albion Online is going to have going forward now that the game is actually released.

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