Can You Play Solo PVP In Albion Online?

The first thing we need to say is that if you are looking to buy Albion Silver Online. Be sure to take advantage of our hot sale that is happening right now as it is dirt cheap! But the real point of today's blog post is to talk about PVP in Albion Online!

We knew right from the start that playing on your own in Albion Online was going to be really tough when it came to PVP. But few people realized just how tough it would actually be! Even really skilled and high level players would struggle to get far and have a lot of fun if they are just playing on their own.

To be fair if you were to play the game as a kind of gatherer then that would not be too bad. But the moment any kind of combat happens and you are just on your own, you are in some big trouble! You might get the odd lucky kill on someone. But for the most part, people just run away! If they have a mount then do not even bother as it is just a waste of your time. You can attack the mount if you want, but it really is not going to get you anywhere.

If you are like us and enjoy watching people play Albion Online on YouTube, you will notice that there are not many solo PVP  videos out there. Those that are, usually involve people just wandering around for an hour looking for a fight that is not going to run away!

So yes, you can play Albion Online all on your own, but it really is not all that fun to do so.

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