Have DDOSers Spoiled Albion Online For You?

We recently read an interesting post on the Albion Online Reddit page where an Albion Online player said that even when he fires up the game and is met with the login screen and cannot getting in because of a DDOS attack, he loses no motivation to play the game and is happy to just sit and wait. He said it shows how much he must love the game and we think that he has a point.

Many other gamers would just throw up their hands and decide to play something else. But so many players have invested a ton of their time, energy and money into Albion Online that they are willing to put up with these recent DDOS attacks and just wait for Sandbox Interactive to get it all fixed, which we are sure they will.

From what we understand it is dubious gold sellers that are behind this. We are sure it is all going to be fixed before long as after all as much as people love the game If you go to play it and each time you do you are met with the login screen of doom, it is sure to kill your motivation to play the game. So we have no doubts that Sandbox Interactive want this fixed even quicker than you do!

But has this spoiled the fun of Albion Online for you? We have had it a couple of times where we could not play and just decided to play something else then come back later. But have any of you guys been nearly put off playing Albion Online altogether because of this? Let us know in the comments below and be sure to look at our special offers on Safe Albion Online Silver.

More details you can click this link: https://www.albionmall.com/news/have-ddosers-spoiled-albion-online-for-you


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