Selling Items The Right Way In Albion Online

We have had a ton of people come to us for our low priced Albion Online Silver. We have been really working hard to bring you this Silver for as low a price as we possibly can. We want to make sure you get the most bang for your buck in Albion Online and that is why today we are sharing a pretty simple way that you can make sure you are getting as much money as possible for your items in Albion Online.
Selling Items The Right Way In Albion Online
For this example let's say you are a player who is specializing in gathering stone. You have your granite and now you are looking to sell. You are most likely just going to hit the sell tab and take it from there after all the sell tab tells you what you should be selling it for right?

Well not exactly. What we are suggesting that you do is click the buy tab first. That is right before you sell, click the buy. The reason for this is that you can get a list of sell orders and see what the average price of the item you want to sell is. You can then sell your item for a price that is, first of all, going to give you some nice profit. But at the same time, you can make sure you are selling it for a price that ensures the item is going to sell very quickly. Those who want sky high prices will see their stuff take an age to sell. But at the same time, you do not want to undercut the lowest price as you will not get much profit. Instead, ask for a little bit more, you might have to wait just a little longer, but the extra profit is worth it.

Spending time selling items is a huge part of Albion Online and while we think checking the buy tab is a great way to ensure you make a nice profit. Finding your own way around it is a huge part of the fun.

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