A Few Tips For Solo Play In Albion Online

Playing as a lone wolf in Albion Online can be hard as nails. But there are some of us who just want to fire up the game and do a little exploring, skinning, crafting and fighting all on our own. But Albion Online is harder than most and more often than not a solo player is going to have a very hard time. Well today, we are sharing with you a few tips to make your solo play in Albion Online a little bit easier.

Zergs Will Kill You!

This is a simple fact of playing as a solo player in Albion Online. The key is to not get too discouraged as you will eventually figure out ways to sneak past and avoid them.

Get An Armored Horse

This is very important for a solo player as it gives you more of a chance of being able to high tail it out of a bad situation that you may have stumbled into. Trying to run away on a donkey is not a good idea at all!

Use Weapons That Offer Good Mobility

When playing as a solo player speed is very important. We are talking about speed in chasing an opponent, running away from other players and even getting on and off your mount. Weapons like Warbow, Bloodletter and a Double Bladed Staff are great as they are cheap and quite fast.

Do Not Worry About Your KD Ratio

Most solo players, especially those just starting out are going to have a horrible KD ratio. Just ignore it. As long as you are learning from all your deaths, do not worry about them. KD as a solo player in Albion Online means nothing!

Solo play is very tough in Albion Online, but it is possible. It is also possible to score some very low priced Albion Online Silver from the good folks at AlbionMall.com who are also big fans of the game!

For more detials you can visit our link: https://www.albionmall.com/news/a-few-tips-for-solo-play-in-albion-online


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