What Is The Reason For The Gold To Silver Spike In Albion Online

We are huge fans of Albion Online here at AlbionMall.com and over the last week or so we ourselves have noticed some pretty big spikes in the Albion Online Gold to Silver exchange rate. Not only that, but judging from the Albion Online forums and the official Reddit so have a lot of you guys, but what is the reason for this? Well, we have a few theories!

Gold Hoarding

There are some people who are suggesting that a few big time players who are dealing with millions of Silver per day that are stockpiling up a ton of Gold so that they have premium access for many, many in game years. While players doing this is, of course, going to affect the player driven economy of Albion Online it is a bit of a stretch that there is that many doing it, it could have such a large game wide effect.

It Makes Premium More Attractive

We for one minute are not saying that the good folks at Sandbox Interactive have done this to make the premium membership of Albion Online look more attractive. But it actually does! Albion Online is one of the lower priced MMO games out there and the fact you can buy/earn a premium membership with in game currency is kind of weird. By having this kind of conversion rate, it can make it much harder for a casual player to buy a premium membership with the money they earn in game and thus making actually using real money for a premium membership more attractive.

These are just a couple of theories that we have been kicking around the office, but we would love to hear what you guys think and also if this "spike" has affected your game of Albion Online in any way. Thanks for reading and as always be sure to check out our cheap Albion Online Silver.

Click for more: https://www.albionmall.com/news/what-is-the-reason-for-the-gold-to-silver-spike-in-albion-online


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