Will You Be Sticking With Albion Online?

We take a lot of pride in being the best place online to buy Albion Online Silver. But we also have a real soft spot for Albion Online and many of us at AlbionMall.com have been with the game since the early days of the beta.

Albion Online has been released to the masses for a little over a month now and while some people "get it" for many people, Albion Online with its player driven economy and having to craft everything is not what they expected or what they really wanted in an MMORPG. We do kind of get that, but we have heard some players on the Albion Online Reddit talk about how after the first month they do not think they will be sticking with the game. And than, Is it worth buying?

Now Albion Online has had its share of server options, we are not going to deny that, but we think as a game overall it offers a very different kind of experience to what other MMORPG's are offering and as a result, we feel that Albion Online is the kind of game that you will either love or hate and the learning curve can be a little high and perhaps put people off quicker than most, hey we get it.

But we do feel that for you new players, sticking with the game for just that extra month, you will start to see the brilliance of the game and what really makes it tick and then if the game still does not grab you, move on. But at least give it another month.

We know that many of you are still coming here to buy Albion Silver so there is clearly still a lot of love for the game. But we would love to know if any of you guys are thinking of calling it a day with Albion Online.

Whole information about this article please check: https://www.albionmall.com/news/will-you-be-sticking-with-albion-online


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